Was thinking of making this meeting a map/gps one if people want to bring maps etc for marking - discussing routes etc .
Or for help identifing lanes etc on os and ccc maps
Meeting tonight guys . Bring your maps if you want them marked and we can see if we can find any fresh ones.
I will bring my laptop with memory map and my Road angel if anyone wants to see how I (badly) navigate my way around
Good turnout last night guys . Hope everyone discussed what they wanted to . Apologies to Rod and maybe others who brought maps to mark and we didnt get them done . It turned to chaos after the chips came out ! I mentioned to Rod about PMing me to arrange a time/date to come up to my workshop and mark some maps up so if anyone else would like that done please get in touch.
Really good to see you again Peter and looking forward to riding with you in Wales .
Ive got the club GPS now and it seems to be a good one so I will see if I can suss that out and load some routes on it for others to use. Its the same one that Bellini had so he is going to give me some pointers on easter weekend when he comes down .
A couple of us are off to present a cheque to Little Harbour Childrens Hospice on Monday and see what they do for the poor little ones there . Good photo/publicity opportunity there !
St julias and Air ambulance donations are in progress.
Thanks to all that attended and shall we make the meeting Thurs 21st April at the same venue? Speak up if you would rather go back to the old meeting point.
If anyone has any ideas of things to discuss / show etc then post up on here.
-- Edited by twosmoke300 on Friday 18th of March 2016 07:53:23 AM