Dont know about you guys but the usual meeting doesnt really appeal this week tbh . I cant think of a great deal to talk about and seeing as the weather is nice , who fancies a ride out instead ?
Im open to suggestions where but maybe for ease of parking etc meet at my yard in North Country for 7 ish ?�
This will be a chilled out ride suitable for all bikes and abilities and I wouldnt rule out a "refreshment " stop somewhere�
sounds like a plan. no point sitting around discussing nothing
the club seems to have gone proper quiet recently. i've only been a member a year or so, so maybe it's a summer thing? i personally was hoping with the long evenings and fine weather that�more stuff would be going on!
aside from horse events, which are regular, and the odd ride here or there, what else can we do as a club?? i suggested bbq's and the like but no-one really showed any interest.
i guess rides are the main interest, and of course why ctrf exists, but where are the rides?? i personally join as many as i can, but it's usually a local lanes deal with the same couple of faces.
as a club we have around 9 or 10 new members in the last few months on this forum, and a fair bit of interest on the facebook page as well. to my knowledge none of these new people have been out on a ride with any of us yet (please let me know if i'm wrong). i really think we need to organise something for these potential new trf members, if nothing else, just to say hello and welcome them to ctrf!
i would happily do this myself, but as a relative newcomer myself, i don't think i have the knowledge, experience or skill to hold court over a group of newcomers. also i don't really feel it fair to burden it all on one person. so does anyone have any suggestions?
the sun is shining , the weather is beautiful. i know a lot of you prefer mud and slippery stuff, but surely we can ride our bikes more than i feel i have these last couple of months...
No one else fancy a ride on thurs then ?
Its getting pretty sad on here to be honest . Ive been on holiday and busy with work / racing etc so havent done many rides recently but there doesnt seem to be any action at all .
If you are a new member lurking and wants a certain type of rideout etc please post up on here . Most needs can be met .
Im in talks with Flash and was maybe thinking of an August trip up to Glos Trf if anyone fancies it .
Hi Guys. I am lurking on here to see what the deal is. I cant ride currently as i have just had a little op. They guys i ride with are awating some gear from the us to make the bikes run correctly as we cant find anyone local to fix them.
I did post up a hello post and tbh didnt even get a hello until i contacted you guys on facebook.
I dont mind being a paid up member if the people in the club are genuine, all too often in a club it can be very clicky.
I dont mean to upset or offwnd anyone but just giving my 2 pence from someone intrested in joining.
All the best Robin
I am sorry for our lack of reply . We aren't a clicky club but I can speak for myself as the chairman that I am bloody busy with work and home life at the moment . I expect this goes for many members on here too . I have posted up loads of rides aimed at new members etc and had zero response. Kinda made me not want to bother to be honest .
Summer time is always quiet on here but things should pick up again soon .
Hopefully a few more members will post up rides rather than the same couple all the time .
Cheers for the feed back and I hope to meet you soon .
When I make a come back I'll lead a ride. It will be a beginners ride taking in the best delights of East Cornwall. Pink panther, muchlarnick,rosenun etc. Start with the tough ones and everything else will seem easy . "If you're not sweating, you're not trying hard enough"
Hi Phil, was planning to come to pub to re-introduce myself tonight, I think your Cambourne way,so could make an open ride out. Have tried to get a midweek day ride out going, with some success, Gideon came out a few weeks ago. Let me know what's happening , if anything, and l will come. Ta �Ian
Robin nothing clicky about CTRF made me welcome right from the start. im from Glos & let my trf membership slip the past couple of years due to this crazy delapidated house. still ride with these guys when i can & always have a laugh & as my missus says im not a people person��Whatever that means
Get your wheels sorted & get out there & keep those trails open
& for those that remember it
I FOUND THE PIPE TO REPAIR THE WR !!! nearly 3 years of searching�
Im fine for 14th But struggling for a wing man at the mo. Strange folk up here dont like ridding in the summer. Now i dont mind at all it gets me out the house.
The Guru of lanes has put slicks on his bike & track daying it for the summer So your going to have to put up with my old foggy memory.
There maybe some trials & a lot of error
There is a travel lodge thing 5 mins from my house & first trail 5 from there